NetSquid Beta Competition 2020 (Finished)
Welcome to this first NetSquid competition! To coincide with the recent beta release of NetSquid, we thought it would be a great idea to challenge both researchers and enthusiasts around the world to try out NetSquid, contribute to it, and win some amazing prizes all at once! The current competition has finished, but we might just launch a second event for our 1.0 release. To be updated automatically subscribe to the announcements sub-forum on our Forum.
The winner
With the submission of a quantum game build using NetSquid, Maxsash has earned the NetSquid T-Shirt, the QuTech blogpost featuring his work and a virtual tour through QuTech. His submission can be found on his github repository:

How to participate
- Sign up at our forum.
- This is the main location for discussions and issues.
- With the credentials from the forum you can access the documentation.
- Checkout the documentation.
- Install NetSquid using the installation instructions.
- Try the getting started guide and/or tutorial to get familiar with NetSquid.
- Be creative!
- Think of any useful/cool/fancy NetSquid extension, a.k.a. a snippet, building upon any example shown in the documentation.
- Here are some ideas you can implement or draw inspiration from:
- A way to visualize a quantum network and its (sub) components.
- A GUI to setup a quantum network.
- A Quantum Key Distribution package (bonus: add eavesdropper Eve).
- A snippet to play quantum games remotely. For example, implement a solution for a way to play Scrabble between any number of players without a third party, where the players can share entanglement. All players will cheat if they won’t get caught, so that should be prevented or detected.
- Create your own.
- For inspiration check out some of the existing snippet code repositories. A simple example is the Ping-Pong snippet based on the NetSquid in 10 minutes guide.
- Start your own snippet repository using the snippet template.
- Note: while we don’t require a specific license, we do strongly recommend choosing an open-source license (e.g. MIT, Apache 2.0) so your code can be freely used by the community.
- Submit your project
- Visit this sub-forum and post the link to your repository.
- Note: you can of course update your submission after posting the link on the forum, but only the latest commit before the deadline will be checked for the competition.
A jury will decide upon the winner based on criteria like usefulness, code clarity and documentation quality. The winner will be featured in a QuTech blog post describing his/her contribution, will receive a NetSquid t-shirt (world-wide shipping), and will be invited for a VIP-tour through QuTech (live or virtual, depending on COVID-19 measures and our limited travel budget). Next to that we will showcase the top 3 projects on our website.

Important dates and deadlines
- Start of competition: Monday, 22 June 2020
- Deadline for submissions: 23:59 CEST, Sunday, 23 August 2020
- Announcement of winner: Friday, 28 August 2020